Research in the Cascade Head Biosphere Region

Bio-Blitzes in the Cascade Head Marine Reserve

Living Laboratories

The Cascade Head Biosphere Region provides a rich array of research opportunities, including the Cascade Head Experimental Forest and Scenic-Research Area, the Neskowin Crest Research Natural Area, and the Cascade Head Marine Reserve and Marine Protected Area.

The 4CAST Project - Coastal Climate Change + Community Art, Science & Tradition

The 4CAST Project is really a collection of projects and efforts where we seek to better understand the way the climate change is affecting coastline and our community. In 2021, we established the Pheno-Cam Project, a Sea Star Monitoring Program, held two days of Art on the Beach, and launched the Wrack Line app… Learn more about our current Projects and ways you can contribute at

The 4CAST Project - an introduction.

Building a new weather station at the Cascade Head Experimental Forest

WRACKLINE - Community Science Project on iNaturalist