BISOPHERE BASICS! Details about Oregon’s last remaining UNESCO Biosphere Region.

The Cascade Head Biosphere Region is a 102,110 acre site designated originally in 1976 on the central Oregon Coast by the United Nations Man and Biosphere Program and reauthorized to our current footprint in 2017. It has within its boundaries the Cascade Head Scenic Research Area, Cascade Head Experimental Forest, the Cascade Head Preserve, and the Cascade Head Marine Reserve and Marine Protected Areas. Our rare and diverse ecosystem includes the Salmon River and its estuary, a sandy littoral spit, densely forested uplands, a two mile basalt headland covered in native coastal prairie and marine reserve stretching west into the waters of the Pacific.

Cascade Head Biosphere Reserve Zonation Map

Cascade Head Biosphere Reserve Zonation Map

This unique land / sea connection, is protected and managed by a dynamic community of agencies, non-profits, businesses, and residents in the surrounding communities. The Cascade Head Biosphere Collaborative is working alongside partners to increase awareness of the UNESCO site and to advance the mission of the Man and the Biosphere Programme.

A video introduction to the Cascade Head Biosphere Region…click to play now

What is there to do at the wild edge of the continent ~ Check out the EXPLORE page of our website.

LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:  The Cascade Head Biosphere Collaborative respectfully acknowledges that the lands on which the Biosphere Region is located are the original homelands of the Nechesne Peoples of the Salmon River.  The Collaborative pledges to work with their descendants, including the Confederated Tribes of Grande Ronde Community and the Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians, going forward in inclusion and collaboration, to mutually benefit this place where the land meets the sea.

CHSRA ~ 50 YEARS AGO….Public Law 93-535 (88 Stat. 1732), enacted on December 22. 1974, established the Cascade Head Scenic-Research Area.

This was the stepping stone to the area becoming a UNESCO Biosphere Region in 1976.

Watch this short documentary film by Josh Havelind, reminding and celebrating the rich history of Cascade Head.

The Cascade Head Biosphere Region’s (CHBR) diverse ecosystem includes:

  • 7 miles of Pacific Ocean coastline with a recently added marine reserve and major coastal prairie headlands jutting out to sea.

  • A littoral sand spit, dune and beach pine complex.

  • The Salmon River, and its recently restored estuary, providing critical staging areas for upstream spawning migrations of anadromous fish and rearing areas for juveniles and smolts.

  • A community of several thousand humans living in both rural and city environments.

Besides its UNESCO Man and the Biosphere designation this area has additional federal and state designations conserving its ecosystem including:

  • A Nature Conservancy Preserve (entire headland).

  • A Federal Scenic Research Area (estuary and river).

  • A National Forest under Late Successional Reserve management

  • A State Marine Reserve (PDF).

  • State held Conservation Easement (Westwind property).

Cascade Head Biosphere Region has a prolific diversity of wildlife including:

Black bear, Cougar, Elk, Osprey, Bald Eagle and Peregrine Falcon, 5 species of Salmon, Grey and Humpback whales, as well as four federally listed endangered species: The Spotted owl, Marbled Murrelet, Coho Salmon, and Oregon Silverspot Butterfly. 

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The biosphere region is stewarded by a vibrant community of non-profit organizations, federal and state agencies, and private land owners

A wide range of visitors are attracted to this biological gem and participate in a diverse mix of activities there: kayaking, birding, diving, hiking, fishing, crabbing, hunting, researching, foraging, participating in workshops, summer camps and symposiums.

OUR VISION: To be as beautiful and balanced in our humanness, as this extraordinary place.

OUR MISSION: To foster generations of engaged stewards, where nature has rights, art illuminates science, and research drives climate action.

To learn more about the global UNESCO Man & Biosphere programme click here.

Connect with nature and your inner self with our “Wild Edge” experiential programs in the Cascade Head Biosphere Region, featuring unique Natural Arts and Science field experiences and workshops for families and individuals, guided by local naturalists and artists.

The Cascade Head Biosphere Collaborative complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity). The Cascade Head Biosphere Collaborative does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity). For inquiries about our policy, its implementation, and/or to file a grievance, please contact: Mary Guss, 801 SW Highway 101, Suite A, Lincoln City, OR 97367 ~ 360.324.5644 ~